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Cuban Summer Festival 2024
100% Cuban Teachers

A festival that lasts from

27 July to 1 September 2024!

You don’t have to travel to Cuba this summer, because we are bringing Cuba to you! At this festival ONLY Cuban teachers will share their passion with you. Instead of having daily workshops within one week, we spread it out - so you will have a week to regenerate and attend the next workshop with a fresh body & mind!


20 workshops, +8 international specialists, 5 weekends 


1 big opening party:

Fiesta de Verano Cubano! on 27/7


1 big closing party:

Siempre Verano! on 31/8


3 Cuban Summer Cafes:

2, 10 & 16 August (tickets)


Location: CanDance Studios, Amsterdam



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Artists & workshops

27-07 to 1-09 2024

Announced artists are:

- Victor Gonzalez

- Lisandra Garcia

- Barbaro Dance

- Carlos Charly' Stage

- Yoan Padillo

- Yordano Bulgar


Below you'll find out what these amazing Cuban specialists will teach you!

Weekend 1
27 & 28 July

Victor Gonzalez & Lisandra Garcia

Top artists Lisandra Garcia & Victor Gonzalez will kick off the festival! Fun fact: Lisandra was Victors very first dance partner back in Havana and they haven’t seen each other in over 5 years. Now for the first time they will be sharing their passion with you in The Netherlands.


They will also be attending our grand kick-off party on 27 July in Amsterdam!


Schedule & workshops

27-07 | 12:00: Victor | Storytelling in Timba

27-07 | 13:30: Victor | Musicality Footwork

28-07 | 12:00: Victor & Lisandra | Timba Partnerwork

28-07 | 13:30: Victor & Lisandra | Men & Lady Styling (Separate)

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Weekend 2
3 & 4 August

Yordano Bulgar

When Yordano was created, his maker must have been like: ‘Let’s add just a dash of energ- whoooops spilled the whole bottle!’ - And we certainly don’t mind! Crazy talented, passionate and allround dancer Yordano is coming for you! He will be teaching traditional Casino, (Afro) Styling, Cuban body Flow ánd tiempo switches (tiempo-contratiempo). 


Get ready for some very energetic & good vibes only workshops where you will learn a lot!


Schedule & Workshops

03-08 | 12:00: Casino Traditional - Partnerwork

03-08 | 13:30: Styling in Casino (Partnerwork)

04-08 | 12:00: Cuban Body Flow & Isolation

04-08 | 13:30: Afro Essentials: Yemaya & Oggun

Weekend 3
10 & 11 August


The amazing, playful Yoan will share his passion with you! We are véry happy to have him at the festival on 10 & 11 August!
Yoan is known for his stylish footwork in partnerwork and blending this with traditional Cuban Afro - as a true timbero! He will be teaching styling in partnerwork, afro essantials like guaguanco & orishas (in combination with social dancing) ánd fun ruedas! We can’t wait!


Schedule & Workshops

10-08 | 12:00: Styling in Timba Partnerwork

10-08 | 13:30: Afro Essentials: Rumba Guaguanco

11-08 | 12:00: Afro fusion in Timba

11-08 | 13:30: Rueda de Casino Party


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Weekend 4
17 & 18 August

Barbaro Dance & Carlos Charly 'Stage

FIRST TIME EVER in The Netherlands:
We had the pleasure of meeting Barbaro & Carlos and working with them in Havana last december and they immediately warmed our hearts with their hospitality, big smiles and amazing energy. And of course: with their amazing dance skills. Together, they are a warm, energetic force to be reckoned with!


Schedule & Workshops

17-08 | 12:00: Timba Musicality & VIBE - Partnerwork

17-08 | 13:30: Regueton & Afro House

18-08 | 12:00: Son Cubano part 1 - Partnerwork

18-08 | 13:30: Fusion: Salsa con Hip Hop

Weekend 5
31 August & 1 September

Barbaro Dance & Carlos Charly 'Stage

Barbaro specializes in Cuban Afro, (as he was part of Conjunto Folklorico!) and son Cubano. He blends more traditional styles with modern timba, and it looks amazing!

Carlos is master of fusion, as he effortlessly blends hip hop, regueton, & afro-house into timba. This year he is invited to participate at Summer dance Forever  in Amsterdam, as the first ever Cuban to enter. This is one of the biggest dance competitions in the world!


Schedule & Workshops

31-08 | 12:00: Son Cubano 2 - Partnerwork

31-08 | 13:30: Afro Essentials: Elegua & Chango

01-09 | 12:00: Cha cha cha - Partnerwork

01-09 | 13:30: Timba loca: mix everything you learned!

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Q- Factory (Oost) & Beatzone (Zuid)

Amstelveen: contact us for private class!


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